
There’s A Hidden Third Person In This Picture. Do You See it?

By BlogKing

October 26, 2020

It’s time to play another game to test your visual perception. There is not just two people in the picture below, can you find the hidden third person? Let’s give it a try.

Find the Hidden Third Person 

You know what they say, the best place to hide is in plain sight. This is just that case with this photo.

At first, you may only see the couple standing together on the shore. If you look carefully, however, there is a hidden third person, except they’re not really that hidden at all.


Can’t see them? Here’s a hint: You’re not looking for an actual person, you’re looking for an optical illusion of a person. Take a close look at the branches of the trees.


Sill can’t see it? Allow us to show you.

That’s right, the branches and the earth create the outline of a baby. Hard not to see it now, isn’t it?